I got a surprising bug with GLJPanel (Swing) which does not occur with GLCanvas (AWT).
To summarize
my issue : I display translucent polygons which let appear content of the previous image exactly where the alpha is < 1 (see image below).
Would someone have a suggestion to solve this, given that I already verified the bellow ideas :
- Changing GLCapabilities.setBackgroundOpaque(true/false)
- Changing GLCapabilities.setDoubledBuffer(true/false)
- Changing setAutoSwapBuffer(true/false)
- Changing the depth buffer clear value (tried 1, 10, 10000, -1, -10)
- Changing the clear color to a copy of default clear color to ensure its alpha channel was not modified accidentally. Also verified that the clear color alpha channel is 1.
- The fact that AWT works proves that there is no OpenGL misconfiguration (e.g. no reason to think that the depth buffer is not cleared)