On 5/20/19 2:46 PM, Nelu Cristian Tone [via jogamp] wrote:
> I did that earlier, but i thought i can emulate it programatically.
> Using virtual machine it takes me quite a lot of time for testing.
> On a virtual machine with openGL 1.1 driver i have the following
> restrictions/problems:
> - multisample antialias doesn't work at all
> - method readPixels from GLReadBufferUtil doesn't work properly. The texture
> which is made it looks strange
> - can not use GLprofile.GL2; so i used GLprofile.GL2ES1 profile
Yes. So from the JOGL programmatic OpenGL profile compliance,
one would use these GLProfiles to restrict certain codepaths
for said profiles. Like one renderer for GL2ES1 and one for GL2ES2 etc.
As I said initially, product validation would still be required of course.
Utilizing extensions should also be queried accordingly and even JOGL's
GLProfile already assume a certain X.Y profile for completeness.