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TextRenderer causing JVM Crash?

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TextRenderer causing JVM Crash?

Having an issue on my friends computer where the JVM is crashing. I *think* it is when using TextRenderer.
Is there any concurrency issues or anything I should be aware of when using TextRenderer?

Here is the log of the jvm crash: http://pastebin.com/g6rrfkMa

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Re: TextRenderer causing JVM Crash?

Sven Gothel
On 08/19/2012 07:56 PM, zeeawk [via jogamp] wrote:
> Having an issue on my friends computer where the JVM is crashing. I *think* it
> is when using TextRenderer.
> Is there any concurrency issues or anything I should be aware of when using
> TextRenderer?
> Here is the log of the jvm crash: http://pastebin.com/g6rrfkMa

This log says quite nothing.

Pls check the FAQ re. bug reporting
it mentions how to produce a good log file.

in short: add properties -Dnativewindow.debug=all -Djogl.debug=all

you may also try add the GL debug and trace pipeline via

to debug shader w/ ShaderUtils/Code:


> Thanks

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Re: TextRenderer causing JVM Crash?

Thanks Sven. I'll get a better log file and report back.
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Re: TextRenderer causing JVM Crash?

In reply to this post by Sven Gothel
Ok I added the extra debug switches. I also ran the runtime version check.
I can't really tell from the output what is causing the problem though.

Any insight you can provide would be most appreciated.

Debug Log: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B578751V2n_dTGVEREJTVEtTRTA
Runtime Version Check: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B578751V2n_dbmJ4a3JyaDBMZ3M

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Re: TextRenderer causing JVM Crash?

Xerxes Rånby
2012-08-19 22:48, zeeawk [via jogamp] skrev:
Ok I added the extra debug switches. I also ran the runtime version check.
I can't really tell from the output what is causing the problem though.

Any insight you can provide would be most appreciated.

Debug Log: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B578751V2n_dTGVEREJTVEtTRTA
Runtime Version Check: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B578751V2n_dbmJ4a3JyaDBMZ3M


Hi I notice from your first JVM log that this Oracle build of JavaSE running on i386 crashes during garbage collection.
  1. # JRE version: 6.0_33-b03
  2. # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.8-b03 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
  1. VM_Operation (0x0339f3c0): GenCollectForAllocation, mode: safepoint, requested by thread 0x02f25400  <--- this line indicate that the GC is running.
I would like you to test your application in two different setups:

A) Run with  -Xcheck:jni     to verify that we JogAmp informs the JVM correctly when we modify data structures outside the JVM. It would be extremely interesting to see if -Xcheck:jni reports any issue.
Also if you give us your test program then we can help you triage and debug better by hands on analyze the crash.

B) Try switch garbage collector, there exist 6 different garbagecollector variants built into hotspot, try them all and check if your crash is reproducible with all of them. If you find that it only crashes with some of the combinations then file a bug with Oracle and tell them that some of their their garbage collector is broken on i386. Also here a testcase is needed so that Oracle engineers can reproduce and analyze the crash.

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Re: TextRenderer causing JVM Crash?

In reply to this post by zeeawk

Please use the latest version (RC 10). Then, try to disable vertex arrays and VBO for this text renderer by calling setUseVertexArrays(false) (just to check if your problem comes from that setting). Best regards.
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