TextRenderer rendering faults

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TextRenderer rendering faults


I'm using the TextRenderer class to display some labels on various 3D objects.

I'm using com.jogamp.opengl.util.awt.TextRenderer and call it like this:
//... rotate to align to screen space ...
textRenderer.draw3D(text, ...);
textRenderer.flush(); // doesn't really make a difference.
However, when I'm drawing many objects (100+), the text renderer sometimes swap characters arbitrarily. It seems like it does some wrong look-ups from the character map. The problem persists when changing "setUseVertexArrays(...);"

Could I be doing anything wrong? Any ideas for a work-around or solution to this?

Regards, Mikael.

(This is on Windows Vista 32bit, Geforce 570GTX, and using the 11/04-2013 auto-aggregated builds.)
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Re: TextRenderer rendering faults


I already succeeded in drawing hundreds of labels with this text renderer. Please provide a unit test.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: TextRenderer rendering faults

Yes, I understand it is difficult to help without having a unit test case - the reason I ask this way, is because these things are not always easy to reproduce.

So I was hoping someone had a suggestion before I started working on a test case - it is quite likely that the error is on my side.
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Re: TextRenderer rendering faults

I understand your position. When I started using the text renderer, I complained about its high memory footprint and it was a bit difficult to exhibit this behaviour with existing test cases. I had to fix it by myself. I have no suggestion of workaround as I have never experienced what you described.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website