Merry christmas to all of you.
Well, I currently on the hunt after ogl resource leaks in my application. OpenGL profiler don't show anything *puh*
But -Djogl.debug.GLBufferObjectTracker=true shows a potential leak.
My application has a user selectable text feature. That means the user can select font, size, color and position of the 2D Text. Every time the user selects a new font or size the textrenderer is beeing destroyed and allocated with the new data.
That's why it is always calling
if (mPipelinedQuadRenderer == null) {
mPipelinedQuadRenderer = new Pipelined_QuadRenderer();
in TextRenderer line 1473.
This causes a call to:
final int[] vbos = new int[2];
gl.glGenBuffers(2, IntBuffer.wrap(vbos));
line 1781:TextRenderer
Those two allocated Buffers are never ever released by glDeleteBuffers. I read here ( that it is common practice to have one allocated TextRenderer and reuse it. Actually, I cannot reuse the textrenderer since there is no mothod setFont in TextRenderer.
Is there another possibility to achive this feature or is this just a bug?