does 2x 4096x4096 work? (power of two?)
i am also not sure if you can use your complete graphics memory for
textures, e.g. if you use OpenCL the max allocatable mem is smaller as
the physical amount of mem - but in your case there should be still
enough room. hmm
so we have currently two issues:
1. index out of bounds exception if you use a certain buffer size
what sizes? can you provide a testcase with a smaller texture?
2. native GL OOME if you use a different size
not sure if this is a jogl issue. the generated code looks good so far
but a testcase would be here cool too :P I could test on NV hardware if
you like.
On 03/13/2011 07:52 PM, Haroogan [via jogamp] wrote:
> I can tell you more, I've just tried to load 2 2049x2049 textures to GPU -
> and it's ok. But you see 2 4097x4097 textures already throw out of memory
> exception. Also please have a look at my very first post about NPOT textures
> and nio buffer sizes.
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