gouessej wrote
Look at com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.spi.DDSImage.
Thanks, you meant this one
public static DDSImage createFromData(int d3dFormat,
int width,
int height,
ByteBuffer[] mipmapData)
throws IllegalArgumentException
Creates a new DDSImage from data supplied by the user. The resulting DDSImage can be written to disk using the write() method.
d3dFormat - the D3DFMT_ constant describing the data; it is assumed that it is packed tightly
width - the width in pixels of the topmost mipmap image
height - the height in pixels of the topmost mipmap image
mipmapData - the data for each mipmap level of the resulting DDSImage; either only one mipmap level should be specified, or they all must be
DDS image object
IllegalArgumentException - if the data does not match the specified arguments
Ps: how can I do if I only have an image? Because with that method I also have to submit the mimaps, which I don't have..