Corentin Berthelot wrote
Now, I have some overtime on my own and I am a little bit nostalgic of 3D. So I want to build a little engine to, in a first time, visualize glTf model. And of course, I want to use le jogamp librarys.
Maybe this can help if you don't want to reinvent the wheel:
Corentin Berthelot wrote
I wanted to be up to date, in maven project, but it seems than the last version (2.4.0) is not uploaded on the maven central. Would be possible to have it on maven central?
By the way, knowing how to get libraries from Maven repositories outside of Maven Central is very useful and necessary to use Jitpack for example. Sven's very simple example is excellent, I'll spend some time in ensuring that our wiki explains how to use Maven to get JogAmp because JOGL was available on Maven Central from the version 2.0 RC11 to JOGL 2.3.2, our wiki doesn't mention the new mandatory step to get our libraries.