The Most Efficient Component Combinations For Periodic Redisplay

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The Most Efficient Component Combinations For Periodic Redisplay

Suppose one has an OpenGL app that runs full screen and will "never" need any overlapping windows, panels, buttons, or any other kind of widget.  I.e. the app supports just a single dedicated OpenGL window (which may or may not influence the answer to the question I'm about to ask, but seemed worth mentioning anyway).

I was sitting here staring at the various parts in front of me - AWT, SWT, NEWT, various canvases, GLWindow, etc - and wondered in the experience of the group what combination of components is generally the most streamlined for issuing periodic display() calls?  AWT, AWT+NEWT, SWT, SWT+NEWT?  Other?

I've tried various combinations and they all work more or less, but on some level one wants to understand how hard the system is grinding away just to decide that it's OK to call display() again.  Without having dug into it much my initial guess would be that AWT/GLCanvas would be the least streamlined approach and SWT/NewtCanvasSWT/GLWindow would be the best.

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Re: The Most Efficient Component Combinations For Periodic Redisplay

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rhatcher wrote
Suppose one has an OpenGL app that runs full screen and will "never" need any overlapping windows, panels, buttons, or any other kind of widget.  I.e. the app supports just a single dedicated OpenGL window (which may or may not influence the answer to the question I'm about to ask, but seemed worth mentioning anyway).

I was sitting here staring at the various parts in front of me - AWT, SWT, NEWT, various canvases, GLWindow, etc - and wondered in the experience of the group what combination of components is generally the most streamlined for issuing periodic display() calls?  AWT, AWT+NEWT, SWT, SWT+NEWT?  Other?

I've tried various combinations and they all work more or less, but on some level one wants to understand how hard the system is grinding away just to decide that it's OK to call display() again.  Without having dug into it much my initial guess would be that AWT/GLCanvas would be the least streamlined approach and SWT/NewtCanvasSWT/GLWindow would be the best.

The recommendation is to only use a single NEWT GLWindow!

You may follow the TestGearsES2NEWT example :;a=blob;f=src/test/com/jogamp/opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/newt/;hb=HEAD

By only using NEWT allows your application to work on on systems where AWT & SWT is not supported like Android and on systems where AWT and SWT sytems cant be hardware accelerated like on the Raspberry Pi.
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Re: The Most Efficient Component Combinations For Periodic Redisplay

That is a perfect rationale.  Thanks!