I am converting a Swing/JOGL application from Swing to JavaFX (
GitHub Repository), and have discovered that the GLJPanel, when in a SwingNode, fails to initialize the GLEventListener what I have added to it until I have either resized or moved the window. I could not figure out how to fix that, so I have put it off until now. Today, I tried to get the latest build of JOGL and GlueGen 2.4.0 from the Jzy3D releases repository, as I saw recommended in another post, so I can use NewtCanvasJFX instead of GLJPanel. However, for some reason, Maven can not download it.
To the developers, could I ask that the latest build (20210111, or maybe a newer one) be pushed to the JogAmp repository? I would prefer to rely on the official repository than a broken mirror repository, and it has been over 5 years since the last build was deployed to it.