Using an external context : update

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Using an external context : update


It is a long time since I updated on our try to use an external C/C++ context with OpenGL calls in a Swing hierarchy:

Well in the last post in April I updated that with the help of the devs it was working but we still had to stabilize the code. The external textured mode is still usable, but it is not useful anymore now, because the direct OpenGL rendering is now working very well, even in a complex Swing hierarchy (it's now the exact same rendering as pure Java swing in our examples). This direct OpenGL mode use the Java2D bridge maintained by Brandon Borkholder:

Our project is here :

We still need to do several things in order for that to be complete:
- finish the events part, we have the passing of awt events to the java world done (in fact it's much more simple that we thought), but we still need to iron some things
- first we used JOGL 2.0rc5, switching to last rc8 should be easy
- second we used the April version of Brandon Borkholder Java2D bridge, we fixed some things and added some features  which were necessary when using an external context, but of course Brandon has improved his code a lot and changed (simplified) his architecture, we also need to switch to the last version of his project and check what is still missing in our point of view
- and we need to document all this well
