On Tuesday, May 25, 2010 15:29:36 Lord Metroid [via jogamp] wrote:
> OpenGL 4 has been out for a couple of month now, the adaptation of OpenGL 3
> was very quickly so I was wondering if there is any work on getting JOGL
> support OpenGL 4?
Of course ..
As you can see in the git logs .. underlying support is already in there,
ie querying all available profiles, proper ARB context aquisition, base everything desktop on GL4bcImpl .. etc
The 'only' thing currently TODO is to verify dropping a clean Khronos header to produce all interfaces
and the one GL4bcImpl. This will of course happen within the next weeks - ASAP as time allows.
This also includes 3.3 .. of course.
Why is this task delayed, well, as you can see, we were working on a lot of things lately.
Sorry for your inconvenience, we will folllow up.
Cheers, Sven