Windows setting up issues and version control

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Windows setting up issues and version control

Dear members,

I have been trying to set up Jogl and struggling with that. I think gluegen is a dependency of it.

The guide here does not work on Windows since rt.jar is not used in Windows as explained here.

Therefore, when I reach the "Build the source tree" part, I am trying to use the ant code in the first link above, It gives the following error: "target 1.8 does not exist in the project"

The releases I found as ".jar" files were quite old(from 2015) and they have lots of issues. I need the runtime codes, the source codes, and the Javadocs. I want to set up Jogl and start from scratch. Could you please guide me about how to install it on Windows? Is there a working guide?

Kind Regards
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Re: Windows setting up issues and version control

I remember I have been able to build with JDK 11 by linking to rt.jar from JDK 8.

However there are precompiled releases and Sven is currently working on a new one. Do you encounter any limitation with these builds?
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Re: Windows setting up issues and version control

In reply to this post by erase99
Why not taking the JogAmp fat JAR as is? There are more recent releases here:
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: Windows setting up issues and version control

I couldn't understand the structure of that place as well. You are right, I may get the .jar files there but what about their source codes and javadocs? I also need them.
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Re: Windows setting up issues and version control

Sven Gothel
to build the beast - besides the updated HowToBuild docs,
you may find the build scripts useful.

they are located in <project>/make/scripts,
 - make*.sh for unixoids
 - make*.bat for windows, e.g. jogl/make/scripts/make.jogl.all.win64.bat
  - all under C:\JogAmp w/ same setting like c:\jdk-17 etc

Steps, as I do it:
- build gluegen
- build joal
- build jogl

done, at least how I did it.

Yes, you have to grab a JDK 1.8 rt.jar and place it where referenced
(or change the reference), e.g. for Windows:
  set TARGET_RT_JAR=C:\jre1.8.0_212\lib\rt.jar

Hope that helps.


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Re: Windows setting up issues and version control

Sven Gothel
In reply to this post by erase99
the last RC
.. you just press 'Last modified' to sort by date on the parent to see the last one.

In this specific build release folder, you can see the mighty fat jar w/ a source zip.
