building j-11 branch without javafx

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building j-11 branch without javafx

Pretty much what the subject line says. I'm trying to build from the java-11 branch, for testing purposes.

My test system does not have javafx installed.
The nativewindow sub-project (which I am not using) crashes the entire build because it cannot find 'Platform' and 'tkStage'.

Is there a way too bypass this part of the build?
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Re: building j-11 branch without javafx

Xerxes Rånby
sailsman63 wrote
Pretty much what the subject line says. I'm trying to build from the java-11 branch, for testing purposes.

My test system does not have javafx installed.
The nativewindow sub-project (which I am not using) crashes the entire build because it cannot find 'Platform' and 'tkStage'.

Is there a way too bypass this part of the build?
The quickest way to do it is to remove jogl javafx related files before compilation. There is nothing in jogl core that depend on the javafx parts.