I wanted to try out JOGL and check it's generated source by Gluegen on Windows 7.
So I downloaded Gluegen and JOGL from the Achives - ZIp link on the JOGL main page. Then when I run ANT inside the JOGL make folder (after arranging gluegen and jogl in one directory) the build runs for almost 15 seconds and then throws the message. "cl failed with return code -1073741515" I tried the same for Gluegen/make and then ANT and got the same error. What is the solution for this issue? |
I don't understand what you're trying to do. If you want to get the precompiled version, download the archives. If you want to recompile everything, get them from the GIT repository. Please don't try to arrange directories or you will break the script. We cannot support all customizations. Try to use GlueGen and JOGL as is at first.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
Hi, Thanks for answering,
I am trying to compile the full source code of JOGL on Windows 7 I am using instructions from the site http://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Building_JOGL_on_the_command_line As per your advice I have downloaded the source code from the git repository using git bash. I have also downloaded mingw and downloaded JDK and added mingw\bin to PATH. I set gluegen.properties to antlr.jar=C:/ANTLR/antlr-3.4-complete.jar win32.c.compiler="mingw32" I also checked java -version and javac -version to check if java is installed properly. I also deleted the variable named CLASSPATH I also checked in jre/lib/ext to ensure no ANTLR/JOGL JARS are present etc. After doing this I went to gluegen\make folder and typed ant (ANT is installed as can be verified by ant - version) Basically I have made sure that all steps are correctly met as indicated from above site but still I get below error on running ANT inside gluegen gluegen.build.c.impl: [echo] Output lib name = gluegen-rt -> gluegen-rt.dll [mkdir] Created dir: E:\GLUEGEN\build\obj [echo] Compiling src/native/windows/*.c src/native/common/*.c [echo] user.dir=E:\GLUEGEN\make [cc] 4 total files to be compiled. BUILD FAILED E:\GLUEGEN\make\build.xml:442: The following error occurred while executing this line: E:\GLUEGEN\make\build.xml:477: cl failed with return code -1073741515 Total time: 22 seconds What is the solution for solving this? Does gluegen not compile on windows 7? What is this cl.exe and cl error? Is some step missed out on the wiki site, what is cl.exe? Please help |
Hi Seahorse,
I wrote the instructions you're using, and I'm completely certain they work on Windows 7 (since that's what I use), but there may be some problem if you don't do every tiny detail correctly ![]() This seems unwise. JOGL's ANTLR grammars are 2.x level, not 3.x level, so I don't think the new ANTLR will compile them. This could be part of your problem. Also, there's no reason to put anything at all inside of gluegen.properties or jogl.properties for a basic build. Any option you put in there could be messing something up. cl.exe is the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler. This should not be invoked by your build, so something must be set up incorrectly ![]() I'd advise doing a completely non-customized build of gluegen and jogl, exactly like the instructions say. Once that works, you can try changing things, and at least that way you'll know which step is causing the problem. |
Hi Wade Walker,
Thanks for your prompt reply!! I will check all steps once again tomorrow (also will change ANTLR version, I hope any 2.x version will do). Just one thing , you wrote "Perhaps your DOS command line environment is set up for MSVC instead of GCC? " How do I actually setup my dos prompt for gcc then? |
The instructions at http://jogamp.org/wiki/index.php/Building_JOGL_on_the_command_line include every step you need to set up your DOS environment to build JOGL with Ant, starting from nothing. You don't need to do anything else at all, so there's no need to find your own version of ANTLR (one is included already with the code).
Ok I finally managed to get it compiling, in case someone else faces same problem below
is the solution: Below are the changes I did 1.)JAVA_HOME was not set(This needs to be set using following windows command set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26 Then do echo %JAVA_HOME% to check if it is set correctly in windows 7 DOS prompt (I was assuming that it was set because I had manually added bin to the PATH under Windows 7 under Start->Computer->Properties->Advanced System settings->Env variables and when I typed java -version and javac -version everything worked out well) 2.)ANT_HOME was not set set ANT_HOME=E:\apache-ant-1.8.2-bin\apache-ant-1.8.2 The point to note is that this must be set to installation directory of ANT and not to ANT\bin (Again I was assuming this was set because I had manually added bin to the path under Windows 7 under Start->Computer->Properties->Advanced System settings->Env variables and everything was working well when I did ant -version) 3.)Also gluegen.properties need not be edited 4.)No seperate ANTLR.jar needs to be downloaded After doing all above four changes everything compiled. Thanks for your comments! |
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