current jogl version

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current jogl version


I'm interested in using JOGL and I've tried to get a simple hello world going using newt but so far I haven't had much success. I cloned the git repository and had a look at the newt JUnit tests but it seems that the release package I downloaded is no longer up-to-date. This is to be expected of course, but my trouble is now that I see no tag in the git respository that matches my release. I downloaded the "jogl-2.0-b23-20110303-windows-amd64.7z" file but there is no 2.0-b23 tag in the repo. But the v2.0-rc2 tag was made on the same date, is this the same version? I now also noticed that there is a "" file as well. Which one should I use, and more importantly which repo tag represents the latest release?
