handling high resolution Mac displays

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handling high resolution Mac displays

Andy Skinner
Is anyone working on getting JOGL to work with the new high resolution displays on the Mac?


Looks like you have to opt in and change some things that handle pixel coordinates.  If you don't, you render at a lower resolution and duplicate pixels to the high res display.

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Re: handling high resolution Mac displays

Sven Gothel
On 06/13/2012 10:20 PM, Andy Skinner [via jogamp] wrote:
> Is anyone working on getting JOGL to work with the new high resolution
> displays on the Mac?

Even though I work w/ a high resolution big display [2560x1440],
it's not Apple but an affordable Samsung monitor.
Sorry, couldn't help putting in more diversity here :)

> https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/GraphicsAnimation/Conceptual/HighResolutionOSX/CapturingScreenContents/CapturingScreenContents.html
> Looks like you have to opt in and change some things that handle pixel
> coordinates.  If you don't, you render at a lower resolution and duplicate
> pixels to the high res display.

I see what you mean ..
so just b/c they bound the high-resolution display
to a low performance GPU they use a low resolution backing frame buffer ?
Maybe I don't get it really.


The JOGL/OSX impl. uses pixel coordinates for the low level
NSView, NSOpenGL* things - so does NEWT's OSX impl.

Our offscreen rendering code (CALayer/NSOpenGLLayer)
used for Browser/Applet OSX >= 10.6.8 as well
as for OSX >= 10.6.8 && OpenJDK >= 7
passes the pixel size of the desired framebuffer
down to our impl. - hence it should be 1 : 1 pixel.

The onscreen rendering code (NSView/NSOpenGLContext)
simple attaches NSView and NSOpenGLContext,
hence it uses the information provided by NSView.
I assume this should be the pixel size as well.


If we would use another metric, i.e. millimeters,
I could understand the issue - but we don't, we use pixels.

In JOGL, especially NEWT and it's Screen/Monitor information (DPI, ..),
one would take care of monitor aspect ratio and scaling
as described here:


If you use AWT, you would need to use AWT's
mechanism to query the Screen/Monitor information (DPI, ..),
which I don't know.


So I hope the system is just doing what we ask it to do,
but I am not quite sure - see above.

Would be nice if somebody with such a machine (you?)
runs some tests. Our simple JOGL tests in debug mode
as described in our Wiki FAQ Bugreport should be sufficient.


Thank you, Sven

> thanks
> andy

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Re: handling high resolution Mac displays

Andy Skinner
In reply to this post by Andy Skinner
I don't have access to one of these machines yet.  I'll have to read more to understand it myself.

If anyone else is looking into this, I'd appreciate their input.  When we get access to such a machine, we'll try it out.
