Is it possible for jogamp to sign the Java3D jars and create a JNLP for it? It works great for JOGL with cascading JNLPs where I can use the jogamp jars as is. However, I am signing the Java3D jars with our own certificate to get it all working in the webpage as an applet. It would be great to use JNLP to point my signed app JNLP to the Java3D JNLP (signed by jogamp) which can then point to the JOGL JNLP etc.
BTW, can someone please build the signed version of (gluegen_726-joal_484-jogl_1104-jocl_856). I'd like to try it out. thanks |
I see what you mean, you'd like to use Java3D as an extension and then you need us to provide a JNLP file pointing to Java3D JARs signed with our trusted certificate. Personally, I would prefer waiting for some time until Java3D 1.6 becomes fully stable (especially under Mac OS X) to provide signed builds. You can write a request for enhancement (bug report) about that. Your suggestion is interesting and would ease the deployment of Java3D applications but we'll have to fix some "legal" issues. For example, I'm not sure that the JogAmp Foundation is allowed to use the name "Java3D". Providing a JNLP extension for 3D engines in Java is not something obvious and common. For example, as far as I know, Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine and Xith3D don't do it, they provide no signed JARs because its maintainers consider that it's the responsibility of the developer(s) to sign their whole applications with their own certificate(s). Moreover, signing JARs by yourself gives you a greater control. I used JOGL 1 as an extension for years and I stopped doing it several years ago to reduce the downloading time (pack2000 was rather a source of trouble in my case). You remind me that I should explain a bit more how to use Java Web Start to deploy Java3D applications in my tutorial.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
On 10/08/2013 10:49 AM, gouessej [via jogamp] wrote:
> Hi > > I see what you mean, you'd like to use Java3D as an extension and then you > need us to provide a JNLP file pointing to Java3D JARs signed with our trusted > certificate. Technically it should not be necessary to sign our 'Java3D' builds, since they use only JOGL and shall not perform any operations requiring elevated privileges. However - due to the latest Oracle developments regarding JNLP/Applet [in]security - requiring the user code to be signed and hence all consequent JARs to be signed as well - this may be different. I haven't investigated this 'mixed JAR signing and non JAR signing' yet in detail. But it could be that it forces us to sign the 'Java3D' JARs as well. In general I have nothing against this idea, _if_ above situation is clarified and Harvey agrees and provides a 'good build' to be signed with the upcoming 2.1.0 release. > > Personally, I would prefer waiting for some time until Java3D 1.6 becomes > fully stable (especially under Mac OS X) to provide signed builds. We will be most stable regarding JOGL's OSX CALayer usage for 2.1.0, as we have solved most issues already. > You can > write a request for enhancement (bug report) about that. I second that. Pls assign it to Harvey Harrison and CC Julien and myself. > > Your suggestion is interesting and would ease the deployment of Java3D > applications but we'll have to fix some "legal" issues. For example, I'm not > sure that the JogAmp Foundation is allowed to use the name "Java3D". Me neither .. Harvey may has some insight. But we can call it whatever Harvey likes it to be called - personally I don't care. > > Providing a JNLP extension for 3D engines in Java is not something obvious and > common. For example, as far as I know, Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine and Xith3D don't > do it, they provide no signed JARs because its maintainers consider that it's > the responsibility of the developer(s) to sign their whole applications with > their own certificate(s). Moreover, signing JARs by yourself gives you a > greater control. I used JOGL 1 as an extension for years and I stopped doing > it several years ago to reduce the downloading time (pack2000 was rather a > source of trouble in my case). I guess that would be possible as well, reflecting above mentioned situation w/ JAR signing. I.e. a user can sign 'Java3D' themselves w/ their user application as Julien suggests. > > You remind me that I should explain a bit more how to use Java Web Start to > deploy Java3D applications in my tutorial. Great stuff. Cheers, Sven |
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