how to convert java core game to jogl game

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how to convert java core game to jogl game

I am learning basic game making. I wrote a simple game using just standart java libraries. Now I want to understand how I can make same using JOGL.
As I understand i need just rewrite paint and actionPerformed, am i right?
Thank you for any help
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Re: how to convert java core game to jogl game

I found this tutorial pretty good (along with a lot of google to find other tutorials) to get started with OpenGL programming.

In short, OpenGL is an API to draw on the screen. So yes you "only" need to change the drawing-on-the-screen part of your application. However, OpenGL is not a very friendly API, it takes a lot of learning to get going.
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Re: how to convert java core game to jogl game

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Re: how to convert java core game to jogl game


Rather post your questions about JOGL here rather than on StackOverflow. Keep in mind that init(GLEventListener) can be called several times during the life of a drawable, create the objects of your data model in the constructor rather than in this method, put only the things that require a current OpenGL context into it. Don't write glu = new GLU(), rather call GLU.createGLU(GL).
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