libEGL warning: failed to create a pipe screen for i965 (blank screen)

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libEGL warning: failed to create a pipe screen for i965 (blank screen)

I have a user reporting a blank screen when running my JOGL-based application on Ubuntu Linux 13.04.

The warning:
libEGL warning: failed to create a pipe screen for i965

More info:
JOGL Version: 2.0-b66-20121101
GlueGen Version: 2.0-b52-20121101
GL Version: 3.1 (Core Profile) Mesa 9.1.4
GLCapabilities: GLCaps[glx vid 0x20, fbc 0x6b: rgba 0x8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL3bc/GL3bc.hw], on-scr[.]]
GL: class jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl

As far as I can tell, it looks like they are already using a very recent graphics driver (Mesa 9.1.4).  Has anyone seen this before?  Any thoughts on a solution?
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Re: libEGL warning: failed to create a pipe screen for i965 (blank screen)


I already had a similar warning in the past but it didn't prevent my application from working. You probably use a very old version of JOGL 2. Please switch to JOGL 2.0.2 first.

Edit.: Sven can probably confirm that some fixes for various versions of Mesa have been added in the past.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: libEGL warning: failed to create a pipe screen for i965 (blank screen)

Upgrading to 2.0.2 did fix the issue.  Thanks.
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Re: libEGL warning: failed to create a pipe screen for i965 (blank screen)

You're welcome. I advise you to try to update JOGL 2 at least each time a new release candidate is out in order to detect regressions more quickly and more easily if any without requiring too big an effort of validation (testing).
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website