name error in jogamp-all-platforms.7z

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name error in jogamp-all-platforms.7z

Alex W.

when you unzip the jogamp-all-platforms.7z and add the following jar's related to their native library to your project in eclipse.
You get a catched filenotfounderror, because the gluegen-natives-windows-i586.jar isnt found.
when you now rename the gluegen-rt-natives-windows-i586.jar their is no catched error. it seems the -rt dont belongs their.

i have added the gluegen.jar, gluegen-rt.jar, jogl-all.jar, jogl-test.jar and the gluegen(-rt)-natives-windows-i586.jar.
the library is for all jars the same in the folder lib\windows-i586.

Hope i could help.

have a nice day
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Re: name error in jogamp-all-platforms.7z


You should have looked at that:

I've just downloaded jogamp-all-platforms.7z  here:

gluegen-rt-natives-windows-i586.jar isn't missing, it is in the directory "jar/" and it works perfectly when following the instructions I've mentioned at the beginning of my comment.

There is no need of adding gluegen.jar into the classpath, gluegen-rt.jar is enough. If you don't want to waste any time in uselessly tinkering our libraries, I advise you to follow our instructions.

Best regards.

Edit.: If you hadn't put gluegen.jar into your classpath, you would have had less troubles... There is no name error in our archives.
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