Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

Posted by Xerxes RĂ„nby on

Danny02 wrote
And isn't it possible to use the features of standard ffmpeg?
I don't know that much about all these linux packages, but isn't ffmpeg something different then libav?
The changes I have added in
is intended to extend JOGL compability to use the features of standard ffmpeg if available.

Danny02 wrote
OK: Unresolved symbol <avformat_close_input>, but has alternative <av_close_input_file>
We already had one fallback for avformat_close_input (av_close_input_file got found in you systems ffmpeg library)

Danny02 wrote
Fail: Could not resolve symbol <avformat_open_input>: not optional, no alternatives.
The avformat-F17 branch will add another fallback if also avformat_open_input is missing:
Please compile and test the JOGL  avformat-F17 branch and check if it fixes this issue.
Please post the library version used by your system so that i can include the version numbers in the avformat-F17 branch.