Posted by
Sven Gothel on
On 10/22/2015 09:05 PM, ctrueden [via jogamp] wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> At Sven's request, I am posting here about the recent work I did to Mavenize
> the Java 3D 1.6 codebase.
Thank you Curtis.
I guess we can give Harvey a few more days to reply,
then we shall go forward somewhat.
@Harvey: Shall we ask for one additional maintainer for Java3D?
@Julien: I guess this procedure will suit all of us.
[1] The maintainer shall merge the work if fit
and push them to our official git repository
at:[2] Then the maintainer shall produce builds
and drop them to: the maven artifacts !?)
[3] Last but not least, Mark shall be notified
to push those artifacts to maven central.
As it is true for all maintainer, they shall be fluent in:
- git basic operations
- security and ssh
- know the beast (i.e. the module they are taking care of)
the maintainer needs to have [limited] access to
- via ssh
- communicate
So lets wait for Harvey and Julien
and see who likes to take care of these tasks.
Thank you Curtis for your work!
Cheers, Sven