Re: Migrating Java 3D to Maven, and publishing Maven artifacts

Posted by ctrueden on

Thanks for the response, Harvey. :-)

hharrison wrote
while I'm not totally comfortable with Maven, I think I can live with it as long as someone else is there to review build changes.
No worries!

I think the main thing to verify is that the compiled binaries match the project's requirements, when compared to the Ant builds. Are all the property files and values present and correct, META-INF info, version constants in the source, etc. I did do some of that checking (e.g. "jar tf j3dcore-ant.jar | sort" diffed against "jar tf j3dcore-maven.jar | sort"), but it would be nice for someone more familiar with Java 3D to verify my work.

I'm certainly happy to follow up with any further build system fixes, improvements, advice, etc. at a later date.

hharrison wrote
So, poke me in a week or so if nothing has changed in my repos, and I will merge your request as is at that point.

Sounds good!