Re: Migrating Java 3D to Maven, and publishing Maven artifacts
Posted by ctrueden on
Hi Julien,
> the extension mechanism has been dropped in Java 1.9, you'll have to
> make some other changes to go on using AppleScript.
AppleScript was just an example—the main point is that Oracle Java adds /System/Library/Java/Extensions to the java.ext.path by default, which makes it impossible to use Java 3D 1.6. And manually controlling the java.ext.path:
1. Might not be possible in some deployment environments; and
2. Requires you to manually specify all other needed directories—in particular, the JRE's lib/ext folder.
> That's why another solution consists in changing nothing within
> Java3D. You can bundle your own JRE with your software.
Bundling your own JRE is insufficient on OS X, because your bundled Oracle JRE adds /System/Library/Java/Extensions to the extensions path by default, preventing use of Java 3D 1.6.
> - Java3D 1.6 pre 13 remains frozen
> Java3D 1.7 uses another namespace instead of ""
I really like this idea! However, given the rate things are going with Java 3D these days, I cannot afford to hold my breath for Java 3D 1.7—nor even to invest the energy required to push for it over the next months.
I receive multiple bug reports each month relating to Java 3D + Java 8 incompatibility; users need it fixed ASAP. So for the time being, I will keep maintaining the org.scijava fork, with updated package prefixes: org.scijava.java3d and org.scijava.vecmath.
In the meantime, if there anything I can do to help move Java 3D forward on the Maven front etc., the JogAmp team is welcome to contact me via email.