Re: Java 3D: Use Maven to build, and publish Maven artifacts

Posted by ctrueden on

gouessej wrote:
> we can build vecmath with Maven :)

Next steps for the Mavenization of Java 3D:

1) Break the circular dependency between java3d-core and java3d-utils. This is done and filed as PRs:


Original discussion of the problem can be seen at:


2) Mavenize the java3d-core and java3d-utils builds. This is done on respective branches:


I'll file PRs for those as soon as the PRs for the circular dependency are merged.

3) Choose a new package prefix to use starting with Java 3D 1.7. Very likely "org.jogamp.java3d"?

4) Migrate the repositories to the jogamp organization and add more metadata to the POMs (url, scm, issueManagement).

Sven Gothel wrote:
> I myself don't want to take the above role,
> but as I mentioned .. you yourself could also take that role,
> which you rejected last time we had a chat :)

No offense—I would love to help maintain these projects, actually! It's just that there are a couple of problems:

A) I don't know the Java 3D codebase very well. So I probably don't fulfill your "know the beast" requirement. I've been in the position of sole maintainer of a project where my technical knowledge is insufficient even to intelligently review PRs. It's not a position I want to volunteer for again...

B) I am maintaining too many projects already. I know you said not to talk to you about time ;-), but my time budget for this is insanely limited.

All of that said, I'd be willing to be a *co*maintainer, with the understanding that similar to hharrison, my availability might be highly variable. But I'd be happy to help review changes related to my areas of knowledge, such as Maven.

Anyway, from gouessej's posts, it sounds like he is willing and able to step in and fill in the maintainership gap here, which is awesome.