Posted by
bjoern on
Hi Julien, yeah, but sometimes it is more productive.

Thanks in any case for your comments!
If you like, you can test the app here: for the ZIP file of
Java 8: MembraneEditor 2.2.2_3beta01It was by now build and tested on Mac OS X 10.14.4 with Java 1.8.0_131. So it would be interesting to know on which other systems it is starting. You just have to install it and look if the 3D view in the center of window appears. On Mac OS X, it might terminate after the first start. Just by restarting, everything should work fine.
So, I found a workaround, and it was a GUI problem. I think it is highly specific and posting the solution here will not help anybody else. But interestingly: when my software was correctly shut down in maximized mode, it tried to start in maximized mode, and crashed. What I do now: I delay the start, hide first the 3D University with JOGL Java 3D 1.7.0PRE1, and after the GUI is fully created, I show the 3D view.
I do this by Threading (2nd Thread is waiting for 1st one to finish) and adding two additional Thread.sleep(1000);.
The 1st Thread shows the 3D Universe, which has been created before, but which has been hidden.
The 2nd Thread restores the layout.
However, interestingly, if the window was maximized before, the window was only re-launched as a very small frame. I just make sure now to force - in case the window is too small - that it is maximized again. But as I said, I think this is a very specific problem of my window manager and the layout library I am using.
Tests on this version:
Mac OS X 10.14.4 with Java 1.8.0_131 64 bit: runs
Windows 10 64 bit with Java 64 bit: runs
Windows 10 64 bit with Java 32 bit: fails
Ubuntu 64 bit 18.04: fails