Re: TextRenderer and memory issues

Posted by r.jaoui on

So I don't think that I can use the Graph API for any of this, since
- It renders 3D text and I need a renderer that is coherent with a specific font size (if the font size is 30, I need a 30px high font. This may be solvable using the pixelSize of course, but I don't see how).
- More importantly, it creates artifacts with a lot of font. Here is an example from my code, notice the A :

I also saw this question on this same forum : TextRegionUtil rendering artifacts.

I can't use any external engine/framework for this, so is there a way to natively render text (basically, to write a text renderer), or even easier : is there somewhere where I can find the TextRenderer source code to use it as inspiration for a custom text renderer ?

Again, thanks a lot for the help :)