Re: TextRenderer and memory issues
Posted by r.jaoui on
I had a look in your code, I'm fairly new to OpenGL and I don't think I'll be able to write something like this for now :'(
I know that it would technically be possible (albeit terribly slow) to render text using BufferedImage Graphics and then using the image's raster to create an OpenGL texture, and I could perhaps use this to create a glyphs array for any Font that I need (as bitmap glyphs), but this seems very slow, very heavy in ressource usage and the necessity to delete the textures after usage complicates a lot this approach in my case (this would mean having active ressource management for my fonts).
So I'm a bit stuck for now. Perhaps there is a standalone library that does this ? If not I pretty much have no solution...
I'll try to look a bit more in depth in your code though, thanks :)