Re: TextRenderer and memory issues
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r.jaoui on
Alright so just to close out this subject, the very simple text renderer I just built with this idea works perfectly, for any AWT font, any color (transparency works), with full antialiasing...
I'll benchmark it tomorrow to make sure that it isn't completely slow as compared to other options, and if not, it seems to work very well (joined is a picture of the renderer working, using the wackiest and most "intricate" font I could find in my computer, with transparency, anti-aliasing... The number of rendered vertices here is 5238, and with no tessellation of the edges, the minimum number with this font would be 4662, so this is pretty close to optimal. Memory usage is also pretty low and constant (here, 150 MB with the rest of the application).

Finally, here are two picture showing the font tessellation with different precisions :

Thanks all for your help :)