GLcanvas vs NEWT on Hi DPI Screens
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mahesh on
I am using JOGL 2.4 for my java application. I runs fine on default 80/90dpi screen, but on hi dpi screen I made following observations.
Currenly App runs on Java8 with dpiaware flag set to false, but on high dpi screens, swing UI as well as Graphics on opengl appear blurry, which is obvious due to scaling.

If I switch to java 9, Swing UI renders fine on high dpi screens but NEWT canvas window shrinks to quarter of screen (since pixelScaleFractor =2 in this case). Even scaling viewport has no effect on it. I think there is some problem with NEWT Canvas implementation (atleast on windows) which does't let canvas fill up whole space.

I tested by replacing NewtWindow with GLCanvas on Java9, it fills entire space, just I need to scale the GL viewport dimensions by pixel ScaleFactor.

Now there seem to be 2 solutions
1. Replace NEWT with GLcanvas, whcih will need rewriting mouse , key events listeners, adjusting framebuffers etc, but I will lose advantages of NEWT like mutitouch and some performace gains.
2. Wait for NEWT implemenation to be fixed (for windows in particular)
Is there some other solution or workaround?
Is there any plan of providing a fix for NEWT?