Posted by Martin on URL:
I have been able to run JOGL-2.4.0-rc4 (i.e. 2021-01-11 + support for Apple Silicon chip, available on Maven) as is on Java 17 (so without recompiling JOGL+Gluegen).
I verified this by running all unit and integration tests of Jzy3D which mainly use AWT and here are my results :
These tests are not exhaustive. I wanted to run JOGL unit tests on Java 17 so I built gluegen and jogl with Azul OpenJDK for macOS 11 + Silicon. I have then been able to compile Gluegen and JOGL. Gluegen tests are all passing, however I still encounter lot of JVM crashes when running JOGL unit tests as I had in the past with Java 11.
Any additional feedback on Java 17 will be appreciated here :)