Re: GLcanvas vs NEWT on Hi DPI Screens
Posted by
Martin on
Feb 14, 2022; 9:59am
Mahesh fix is good but it is not dynamic. It forces a multiplying factor of 2, whatever the actual pixel scale. This won't work properly on screens with 1.5 pixel scales. This will also prevent programs ran on Java <= 8 to keep their pixel scale = 1 (The JVM only detects HiDPI as of Java 9).
I made a tiny improvement visible here : basically get pixel ratio from the AWT Component Graphics instance :
public int getWidth() {
double scale = getPixelScaleX();
return (int)(super.getWidth() * scale);
public int getHeight() {
double scale = getPixelScaleY();
return (int)(super.getHeight() * scale);
protected double getPixelScaleX() {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)getGraphics();
AffineTransform globalTransform = g2d.getTransform();
return globalTransform.getScaleX();
protected double getPixelScaleY() {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)getGraphics();
AffineTransform globalTransform = g2d.getTransform();
return globalTransform.getScaleY();