Re: JOGL 2.4 and Java 17 report
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Marcel on
Hello Martin,
I successfully used the M1 RC4 built to make JOGL run on MacOSX M1 embedded as a NEWT SWT view in my application based on Eclipse RCP 4.22 (most recent version).
I have integrated WorldWind (for GIS purposes) and a self written 3d simulation interface based on OpenGL.
I detected on issue with my self written 3d interface (crash with a wrong thread information). After a while I found the cause (this is only reproducible on M1)
The crash was caused by the FPSAnimator class which I use for a dynamic content with constant framerate. I simply wrapped the called display method (called in the run method of the class):
Display display = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay();
display.syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
After this everything works fine with the JOGL RC4 built.
Maybe this information is a help for others, too.