Re: JOGL 2.4 and Java 17 report

Posted by Martin on

Thanks for reporting this. I added your information here for the record.

Reading your exception, I am surprised that your programs tries to find the native in the directory "/opt/astropixelprocessor/natives" which seams unusual or manually defined. When reading the getTempDir function it seams the default temporary dir may overriden by one of the following
- Environment variable "TEMP"
- Environment variable "TMPDIR"

The failing line is here. Two ways to know a little more about this
- Place a breakpoint there to understand what will be the flow on your computer.
- Get debugging information in console by adding the VM argument -Djogamp.debug.IOUtil

The second option lead to this kind of output on my computer

IOUtil.getTempRoot(): tempX1 </var/folders/d2/85g_sxm91rg71yyky4gg6l6h0000gn/T>, used true
IOUtil.getTempRoot(): tempX3 </var/folders/d2/85g_sxm91rg71yyky4gg6l6h0000gn/T>, used false
IOUtil.getTempRoot(): tempX4 </Users/martin>, used true
IOUtil.getTempRoot(): tempX2 <null>, used false
IOUtil.testDirImpl(tempX1): </var/folders/d2/85g_sxm91rg71yyky4gg6l6h0000gn/T>, create true, exec false: true
IOUtil.testDirImpl(tempX1): </var/folders/d2/85g_sxm91rg71yyky4gg6l6h0000gn/T/jogamp_0000>, create true, exec false: true
IOUtil.getTempRoot(): temp dirs: exec: /var/folders/d2/85g_sxm91rg71yyky4gg6l6h0000gn/T/jogamp_0000, noexec: /var/folders/d2/85g_sxm91rg71yyky4gg6l6h0000gn/T/jogamp_0000
IOUtil.testDirImpl(testDir): </var/folders/d2/85g_sxm91rg71yyky4gg6l6h0000gn/T/jogamp_0000/file_cache>, create true, exec false: true

Then I can verify where the native was unpacked by calling

tree /var/folders/d2/85g_sxm91rg71yyky4gg6l6h0000gn/T/jogamp_0000/file_cache

Which yield to

├── jln11481392380581019312
│   └── jln13680413027807683700
│       └── natives
│           └── macosx-universal
├── jln270649893446738608
│   └── jln4160267869752493629
│       └── natives
│           └── macosx-universal
├── jln2911065803996495133
│   └── jln2345320072791456434
│       └── natives
│           └── macosx-universal
├── jln7157582348275220286
│   ├── jln15593117908779262353
│   │   └── natives
│   │       └── macosx-universal
│   │           ├── libgluegen_rt.dylib
│   │           ├── libjogl_desktop.dylib
│   │           ├── libjogl_mobile.dylib
│   │           ├── libnativewindow_awt.dylib
│   │           ├── libnativewindow_macosx.dylib
│   │           └── libnewt_head.dylib
│   └── jln15593117908779262353.tmp
├── jln7157582348275220286.lck
├── jln7157582348275220286.tmp
└── jln7529487868811596856
    └── jln14163663447680424577
        └── natives
            └── macosx-universal

What is the output on your computer?