Re: GLcanvas vs NEWT on Hi DPI Screens

Posted by Sven Gothel on

On the MacOS and iOS,
window units are used for the native UI component's position and size.
Here the surface size in pixel units = window-units-size * pixelScale.
This has been implemented already.

On Windows-GDI and X11,
pixel units are used for the native UI component's position and size.
Here we need to convert NEWT's window position and size
to and from the pixel-size, i.e. window units = pixel-units / pixelScale.

Hence all NEWT window-unit position and size values must
be appropriately converted from/to window-units on Windows and X11.

WIP ..
.. bottom line, I am working integrating pixel-scale semantics into NEWT
for all non MacOS/iOS platforms.