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Re: macOS Apple Silicon bug - [libGLImage.dylib+0x1de2c] storeVecColor_RGBA_UI+0x40

Posted by Mabula on Feb 12, 2024; 9:41pm
URL: https://forum.jogamp.org/macOS-Apple-Silicon-bug-libGLImage-dylib-0x1de2c-storeVecColor-RGBA-UI-0x40-tp4043313p4043314.html

Some more info on this: it happens only with a color texture, so if I texturize a monochrome image of such size 12000x12000 pixels, it does work.

I have tested with OpenGL2 and OpenGL4 and the error is the same

We try to create a texture with

internalformat = GL.GL_RGB
pixelformat = Gl.GL_RGB
pixeltype = GL.GL_FLOAT

so it concerns 32bits FLOAT RGB images.

The error happens with this call in our display( GLAutoDrawable glautodrawable ) method:

 gl4.glTexImage2D(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalFormat, textureWidth, textureHeight, 0, pixelFormat, pixelType, pixels);

And this is from the hs_err_pidxxxx.log

Stack: [0x00000002c9ec4000,0x00000002c9f47000],  sp=0x00000002c9f46930,  free space=522k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C  [libGLImage.dylib+0x1de2c]  storeVecColor_RGBA_UI+0x40
C  [libGLImage.dylib+0x6bd4]  __glgProcessPixelsWithProcessor_block_invoke+0x94
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x1cb8]  _dispatch_call_block_and_release+0x20
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x3910]  _dispatch_client_callout+0x14
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x6e4c]  _dispatch_continuation_pop+0x2dc
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x6478]  _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke+0x2dc
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x151f4]  _dispatch_root_queue_drain+0x188
C  [libdispatch.dylib+0x15a04]  _dispatch_worker_thread2+0x9c
C  [libsystem_pthread.dylib+0x30d8]  _pthread_wqthread+0xe4