what happened to FloatUtil.makeOrtho?

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what happened to FloatUtil.makeOrtho?


I'm upgrading from JOGL 2.4.0 to 2.5.0, and my code won't compile any more.  One issue is that FloatUtil.makeOrtho seems to be gone.  Is there a replacement?

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Re: what happened to FloatUtil.makeOrtho?

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Re: what happened to FloatUtil.makeOrtho?

thank you
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Re: what happened to FloatUtil.makeOrtho?

In reply to this post by gouessej
How about FloatUtil.mapWinToRay()?

I tried to dig through release notes, etc. and find out for myself, but failed.  Is there some sort of changeset log that I missed?
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Re: what happened to FloatUtil.makeOrtho?

It's in the class Matrix4f too.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website