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How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

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How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

i just upgraded to rc10(with maven) and wanted to try some of framework features I did not use until now.

So I'm experimenting with the GLMediaPlayer, but I can't get it to work.

I run Fedora 17 x64 have ffmpeg installed and installed avutils manuelly.

The Problem is that I get the following error,
FFMPEG Tool library incomplete: [ avutil false, avformat false, avcodec false]

My question know of course how I can fix it so that it will work on my PC, on the other hand I wonder if there is somewhere some more documentation/tutorial about the PlayerBackends. Like one which platforms does it work, what libs are necessary and how would I deploy an app which uses the media player.
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Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG


Rather install LibAV, don't forget its util package(s) too.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

Sven Gothel
On 10/20/2012 05:51 PM, gouessej [via jogamp] wrote:
> Hi
> Rather install LibAV, don't forget its util package(s) too.


Further more .. (call for help/advise here), we actually jump
through hoops to identify the _installed_ ffmpeg/libav library
and whether and how we can use it.
This is due to the usual license/patent crap,
which scars me enough to not ship a precompiled bundle :)

Well .. if anybody can solve this, we may could at least ship a
fall back library. On the other hand .. maybe it's good to use
the 'default' ones.
However, this way - we have nothing avail on OSX and Windows right now.

Anybody dares to write a backend for the default media libraries
on those platforms ?


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Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

Hi again so I understand that the media player is just a proof of concept kind of thing, but because I'm curiouse about it I till want to get it to run^^

So I tried to install libav but first had to remove ffmpeg(have ffmpeg-compat package?)
With libav installed(but ffmpeg removed) the media player starts up but still can't play a video file, because ffmpeg is missing :D

OK: Unresolved symbol <avcodec_open2>, but has alternative <avcodec_open>
OK: Unresolved symbol <avcodec_decode_audio4>, but has alternative <avcodec_decode_audio3>
OK: Unresolved optional symbol <avformat_free_context>
OK: Unresolved symbol <avformat_close_input>, but has alternative <av_close_input_file>
Fail: Could not resolve symbol <avformat_open_input>: not optional, no alternatives.
FFMPEG: Not Available

so as I said I'm running fedora 17 which packages do I need excatly to run this?

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Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

Xerxes Rånby
Can you list the libavformat version used by your Fedora F17?
Fail: Could not resolve symbol <avformat_open_input>: not optional, no alternatives.
For some reason your system installed version of libavformat do not contain the avformat_open_input function or we simply failed to auto-detect it.

Please try run objdump -T on your Fedora built libavformat.so and check for avformat_open_input
On my Ubuntu 12.04 system I get:
objdump -T /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libavformat.so.53.21.0 | grep avformat_open_input
000cde80 g    DF .text 000003dc  LIBAVFORMAT_53 avformat_open_input

I think your libavformat got a av_open_input_file function instead of avformat_open_input
objdump -T /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libavformat.so.*| grep av_open_input_file
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Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

Xerxes Rånby
This post was updated on Oct 23, 2012; 12:35pm.
Can you please test the following JOGL avformat-F17 branch and check if it fixes your issue ?
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Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

so I took a look at the things you wrote.
It seems to me that there is no libav(format) for f17.

At the beginnning I had only the ffmpeg-compat package installed then I installed ffmpeg, but no libav*.
Then I added a repository(rpm-sheres) to install libav because the standard one dosn't have libav.
After installing this libav package I only got libavutil, libavahi-common and libavahi-client, so still no libavformat

Searching for this issue I found this:

So can it be, that libavformat isn'T included because of legal issues? And isn't it possible to use the features of standard ffmpeg?
I don't know that much about all these linux packages, but isn't ffmpeg something different then libav?
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Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

Xerxes Rånby
It is possible that libavformat is not included into fedora for legal issues.
JogAmp itself only use the system installed libav/ffmpeg librarys untill the legal situation is cleared up.

How are MPlayer, FFmpeg, VLC, libav*, etc connected?
libav is a fork of ffmpeg "mainly to get rid of the old maintainer dictatorship"
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Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

In reply to this post by Danny02
Maybe use the repository for "tainted" RPMs.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

Xerxes Rånby
In reply to this post by Danny02
Danny02 wrote
And isn't it possible to use the features of standard ffmpeg?
I don't know that much about all these linux packages, but isn't ffmpeg something different then libav?
The changes I have added in https://github.com/xranby/jogl/compare/avformat-F17
is intended to extend JOGL compability to use the features of standard ffmpeg if available.

Danny02 wrote
OK: Unresolved symbol <avformat_close_input>, but has alternative <av_close_input_file>
We already had one fallback for avformat_close_input (av_close_input_file got found in you systems ffmpeg library)

Danny02 wrote
Fail: Could not resolve symbol <avformat_open_input>: not optional, no alternatives.
The avformat-F17 branch will add another fallback if also avformat_open_input is missing:
Please compile and test the JOGL  avformat-F17 branch and check if it fixes this issue.
Please post the library version used by your system so that i can include the version numbers in the avformat-F17 branch.
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Re: How to use GLMediaPlayer FFMPEG

ok will try this today