JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

There's an issue with resetting the mouse cursor in com.jme3.input.jogl.NewtMouseInput. If we call inputManager.setMouseCursor(null) to reset the mouse cursor back to the system default, NewtMouseInput will throw NPE. Is there another way to reset mouse cursor back to system default?
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

Thanks for reporting this bug, look at this line:

When the passed JmeCursor is null, it should just call component.setPointerIcon(null) to reset the pointer icon to default. Feel free to make another pull request.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

Thanks, that worked.

Here's the pull request:
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

It's merged :)

I've just committed the brand new STL importer of JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation. I'll commit a small example very soon. The source code hasn't been fully tested. I've reduced a lot its memory footprint, the scopes of numerous variables are more logical to me now, I've modified this importer so that it works almost exactly like the OBJ importer, i.e when you load a file, it gives you a geometry store, this geometry store allows to obtain a node containing a single mesh. I'll update the JARs when the example is ready.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

com.jme3.system.jogl.JoglNewtCanvas does not generate any AWT mouse events. I've tried both canvas.addMouseListener() and canvas.addMouseMotionListener(). Is this by design?
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

This canvas should have been named JoglNewtAwtCanvas as it extends NewtCanvasAWT.

Rather call JoglNewtCanvas.getCanvas().getNEWTChild().addMouseListener() and use com.jogamp.newt.event.MouseListener. I assume that it is by design so that your code depends on a cross-platform API (NEWT) that works both under desktop and embedded environments rather than on AWT. However, I thought that the AWT events were generated and sent.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

That worked, thanks!
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

You're welcome. I advise you to have a look at this class:

It shows the key principle consisting in minimizing the dependencies on AWT and using NEWT wherever it is possible, even with AWT components. It reduces the code duplication.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

In reply to this post by gouessej

JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation now has a fully functional STL importer and I've just added an example into ardor3d-examples today. I'll update the binaries soon.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI


I've just updated the binaries and the Java documentation of JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation. The most important changes since the last update of the binaries are these furthers:
- improved hashing methods
- switch from Java 1.6 to Java 1.6
- STL importer

If I have enough spare time, I'll try to implement the PLY importer before the end of August. The implementation of some major features (TTF fonts, full OpenGL ES 1/2/3 support, CSG, BVH importer) will probably be postponed to the next minor version (JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation 1.1) whereas the other features I planned to implement will be ready for JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation 1.0.0.

There are still two features I hesitate to implement:
- STL, PLY and (partial) Collada exporters
- build-in JavaSound-free sound system

I have to improve the creation and the management of the monitors/displays.

I have to improve the documentation, especially for the developers accustomed with other scenegraph APIs. I won't try to add a physics engine and to implement Android support now.

Best regards.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

This post was updated on .

I began to implement the PLY importer for JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation yesterday, stay tuned :)

Edit.: The parsing of the ascii PLY files works, I have to do the same for the binary PLY files and I have to put the data into the node. I'll commit the source code when it's fully working. The importer is fully extendible which is crucial for this format as it allows to use user-defined properties and elements.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI

This post was updated on .

I've just committed the very first blueprint of the PLY importer for JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation:

There are some temporary limitations:
- the material indices are loaded but not used when creating the mesh(es)
- it only supports triangles
- the edges are loaded but not used when creating the mesh(es)
- the binary files aren't handled (only ascii for now)

Actually, it has a lot of advantages compared to numerous other free or open source PLY importers:
- it supports texture coordinates like MeshLab
- it's able to load materials
- the treatment of build-in properties and elements can be overridden
- the treatment of custom properties and elements can be implemented by overriding a method
- the importer doesn't stop working when it finds a custom element or property
- it has an excellent management of rotten eggs (malformed files), i.e it shows log messages reporting the exact line number in the parsed file
- it checks the consistency between the elements and the properties
- it gives enough information about custom properties to allow you to implement your own checks
- it's a lot easier to use than jPly as it does a lot more than just parsing and returning parsed elements, it's strongly typed, it gives some possibility of extending exactly where it is useful, there is no need of writing tons of boilerplate code to use it
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI


All limitations except the one on material meshes have been removed, the PLY importer for JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation is ready, I'll update the binary builds soon.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI


I've just updated JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation binary builds available here:

I'm currently updating the Java documentation of this API. I'll update the bug reports soon, especially concerning the documentation.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL 2 support for Ardor3D, JMonkeyEngine 3, jzy3d and NiftyGUI


JMonkeyEngine's JogAmp backend was dropped in April 2020, I plan to move it into our repositories (if we agree with my suggestion). Is there a volunteer to maintain this backend? I will fix some bugs in it but some help is warmly welcome:
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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