On 03/01/2012 07:04 PM, FishNBrewDude [via jogamp] wrote:
> The problem is caused by Oracle modifying certificates and the certificates
> that the JOGL jars were signed with are no longer valid which causes a fatal
> error in any JOGL application that cannot be rectified.
> I have verified this with the World Wind example applet and application
> template on the World Wind demo page.
You are probably referring to GlueGen and JOGL Version 1.* hosted
on the Oracle website ?
I just have tried JRE 1.6.0_31 from Oracle (Linux x64) with cleaned
caches (JARs, JNLPs and the signatures):
It works .. as usual.
We don't support GlueGen or JOGL Version 1.*, but the current
version 2 release 'train'.
> This will potentially impact all DoD instances of World Wind and any other
> JOGL-based application during the next couple of days as the networks are
> updated as directed by Information Assurance (IA). Sun has designated Java
> version 6u31 as a critical security release.
> NASA is looking into the problem, but I wanted to make sure that the JOGL
> community was aware.
In case this is related to our JOGL signed JARs,
how can we reproduce this problem ?
Kind regards, Sven
> Right now the only work around that we know of is to revert to 6u30.
> Thanks,
> FishNBrewDude