JavaFXPorts uses RoboVM + XCode to generate native code for iOS.
JogAmp JOGL classes can also be compiled to native format for iOS using
I have written down some notes how to use JogAmp JOGL in combination
with RoboVM AOT. we have never tested to create natives for iOS due to that you
need to use the Apple XCode tools in order to create iOS binarys.
I am not aware of a way using free software tools to do compilation for iOS,
such tools would be good to have in order for the JogAmp project to
produce automatic test builds.
Some people claim that the only viable way to compile for iOS without
using XCode is by using a jailbroken iOS device and install gcc from the
unofficial Cydia app store.
Thus one idea is to use a jail broken iOS device as a build server.
Den 2015-09-01 12:51, Karl-Heinz Mali [via jogamp] skrev:
> Hi,
> is JOGL in the meantime available to download for iOS? JavaFXPorts
> support iOS and it would be appreciated to use JOGL with it.
> Thank you in advance for every information.
> Karl