Using JOGL in an Elipse RCP

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Using JOGL in an Elipse RCP

I have looked around the documentation and the web and not found a good recent complete correct example of how to do this.

The Wiki example  does not create a RCP plugin package. describes just putting the jar into your top level project shows something similar, while unpacking the .dll's into a specific place explicitly, for which he is criticized by

1 year ago

3:30 You should not have to extract any DLL from the JAR (as GlueGen does it for you under the hood, it extracts and loads the proper native libraries). Maybe there was another problem in your environment or maybe this was a bug but it should have worked fine without this step. Please fix your tutorial in order to avoid confusions. If you still have this problem, please report it as a bug."

It appears that the video is correct - the .dll in the .jar files are not unpacked and found automatically in the RCP case.

Could someone please update the Wiki with a complete worked example of using JOGL in an RCP

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Re: Using JOGL in an Elipse RCP

Wade Walker
I've got a tutorial showing how to create a JOGL RCP plugin the old way (with unpacked .dll/.dylib/.so) at The other tutorials on my blog show how to use the RCP plugin to make a complete project.

There is also an example of how to create a JOGL RCP plugin the new way (with the .dll/.dylib/.so left inside JAR files) in my GitHub at If you check out that repo, it'll give you a complete JOGL RCP plugin, though you'll probably want to upgrade the JOGL JARs to the latest version after you make sure it works.
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Re: Using JOGL in an Elipse RCP

Clear, precise, and works!

Thank you

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Re: Using JOGL in an Elipse RCP

In reply to this post by brbrett

The video you quoted is a pure crap. Its author chose the wrong JVM and blamed JOGL for that. I wrote: "
It should be even simpler than this. If he hadn't used the wrong JRE, he would have done this in less than 3 minutes."
"His tutorial ruins a bit our effort. For example, as he uses the wrong JVM and as he doesn't get the JARs for both architectures (x86 and amd64) from the start, he doesn't benefit of the automatic extraction and loading of native libraries, a new feature of JOGL 2.0."
"If you had done that first, if you had used the proper JRE from the beginning, GlueGen would have succeeded in extracting and loading the native libraries. Please fix your tutorial"

Please edit your post and remove the link to this video. I'm sorry to ask you to do that but what this guy did is really problematic, he has never fixed his video.

There have been several attempts of creating OSGI bundles for JOGL, for example this one:

In my humble opinion, Wade's tutorials are very good and understandable :)
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