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Wayland support

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Wayland support


During the last decade, most of the main Linux distributions have moved from X11 (with its last release in 2012) to Wayland (Ubuntu made the switch in 21.10). Even though Xwayland handles things pretty smoothly so far, migrating from 2.4 to 2.5 with JDK 21 starts to create some problems (I haven't dug into it yet, but it works on Mac M4 and Windows, but not on Linux - work here).

Therefore, the support of Wayland for JOGL is starting to become a real concern and point of interest for me (and probably for most developers using JOGL and releasing on Linux).

That's why I'm opening this ticket: according to this page, support has been considered for some years but has never appeared in any release notes. Is this something you are considering?

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Re: Wayland support

Contributions are welcome, it's not a tiny feature.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website