Tianscar wrote
I'm a new user of JOGL and I'm developing my own game engine based on AWT and JOGL...
Does JOGL version 2.4.0 support Windows on ARM (WoA) and OpenGL 4.6? (I wanna support them)
If not, will them been supported later in JOGL version 2.5.0?
OpenGL 4.6 profile will be selected if available.
However, we might miss a few standarized extensions.
Note to myself: Add a feature request in bugzilla.In general: Easy to do .. just needs to be done.
With Windows ARM, you probably mean Windows Aarch64 (arm64)?
If mingw-64 supports arm64 it would be easy'sh,
otherwise we would need to find the proper toolkit.
Regardless, we could do it .. just needs to be done.
Note to myself: Add a feature request in bugzilla.Do we have a sponsoring company for this work?
Perhaps 1 month time?
If so .. please contact me.