I have a JOGL application running on Android 4.4.2. I am trying to add the ability to write to a file on the /sdcard external storage. At run time I get an error,
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /storage/emulated/0/test1.txt: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
The same code for writing to an external file works in an app without JOGL.
I see a curious line in the release notes for V2.0-rc9 (
http://forum.jogamp.org/Release-v2-0-rc9-td4025255.html) as follows:
GlueGen (31):
Android Launcher: Add dummy version activity (recognized by market), remove permissions: inet and write-sd
What exactly does that mean that the permissions for write-sd have been removed? Is there any way to restore them? Does it make sense that this is the cause of the runtime error?
The GlueGen Version app on my device says that I am running version 2.3.2