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code signing cert expired?

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code signing cert expired?

I have a webstart application that accesses http://jogamp.org/deployment/v2.2.4/jogl-all-awt.jnlp.  For the past few days I've been getting a notification that the certificate used to identify this application has expired, and my app gets blocked from running.  The dialog shows:

Name: Java Bindings for OpenGL
Publisher: Sven Gothel
Location: http://jogamp.org

Digging into the cert info, I see the following under Validity:

[From: Thu Nov 14 18:00:00 CST 2013,
 To: Sun Feb 14 17:59:59 CST 2016]

I cannot use a 2.3.x version as of yet.  Our applications are not yet compatible with those versions.

Thank you,
Dave Peterschmidt
Menard, Inc
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Re: code signing cert expired?


I'm not sure that we're going to sign anew an old release with a valid "trusted" certificate, it's up to Sven to decide, please contact him.

In the meantime, maybe you should really plan to switch to JOGL 2.3.2, it's not a big deal, there have been some changes in the API but they are quite trivial, some packages have been renamed and the Screenshot class has been removed.

I'm really sorry for the disturbance. Do you use only Webstart?
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: code signing cert expired?

Julien, thanks for the response.  We don't use webstart exclusively.  The apps are also deployed as standalone Java applications on our store kiosks.  However, in those cases we package the jogl jar file right in our deployment.  We only access the jogamp website when using webstart to run these apps.

I attempted to run using the 2.3.2 version and actually saw the same problem.  I cleared my entire Java cache before attempting that webstart run.  I see the same message - "The certificate used to identify this application has expired".  From what I can see it looks like all of the jars have this issue.  If I run with my Java security set any higher than "medium" the application will be blocked from running.

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Re: code signing cert expired?

Ok it's catastrophic, I'm going to ask Sven to update the certificates right now. I'm sorry, I abandoned Webstart several years ago because of numerous limitations.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: code signing cert expired?

Sounds great.  Thanks Julien.
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Re: code signing cert expired?

You're welcome. I'm waiting...

In the meantime, you can look at the workarounds even though it's not satisfying on the long term, for example the deployment rule set.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: code signing cert expired?

In reply to this post by dpetersc

You can host JogAmp itself on your own server and sign its JARs with your own signature to work around the current problem. This is what I did for years, I even ended by making a single fat JAR with a single JNLP file.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: code signing cert expired?

I did something similar a few years back when I first built these webstart apps.  After discovering your site, though, I switched to using that.  

Is there any update from Sven on when the certs will get fixed?
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Re: code signing cert expired?


I used my own server to store all JARs because there were some troubles because of Pack2000.

I have no update from Sven. The problem is that the JARs are signed with his personal certificate :s In the future, it would be better if we used a certificate for the whole organization to avoid relying on a single person because it's weak and problematic when this one is unavailable. If you need a quick workaround, why not pointing to your fat JARs in your JNLP file(s)?
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: code signing cert expired?

I'm working on bundling the jogl libs into one of the existing deployment jars.  I think that'll work for the time being.
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Re: code signing cert expired?

In reply to this post by gouessej
Are the certificates signed now? I am still seeing the same problem with all of our applications packed as JNLP.
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Re: code signing cert expired?

Not yet as far as I know but Sven said that he will renew the certificates.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: code signing cert expired?

In reply to this post by gouessej
I've tried downloading the jogl all platforms 7z and signing all the jars with the same CA issued key we use to sign our app, but we still get "Application blocked by java Security" dialog for Name: Java(tm) Binding to the OpenGL(r) AP ...

and we've updated the jnlp files.
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Re: code signing cert expired?

This is the kind of thing I do at work and it has worked flawlessly for several years but you need to be 100% sure that absolutely all JARs mentioned in a single JNLP file use the same "trusted" certificate. Moreover, you need to remove the existing signature files (RSA and DSA files). Personally, I prefer making a single fat JAR with the correct information, the correct manifest with the mandatory attributes especially about the permissions, the application name, etc.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: code signing cert expired?

every jar I checked didnt have an existing signature. I signed them all with the same key (we only have one key). I used a script to do it and checked the date modified time of all of them to make sure I didnt miss any.
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Re: code signing cert expired?

Which manifest attributes do you set? Do you use a trusted TSA?
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: code signing cert expired?

In reply to this post by sirus20x6
You have to take care of the following manifest attributes:
- Permissions
- Codebase
- Main-Class
- Trusted-Library / Trusted-Only
- Application-Name
- Caller-Allowable-Codebase
- Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase

Empty your Java Webstrart cache too.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: code signing cert expired?

which manifest files do I have to modify? jogl-all.jar gluegen-rt.jar and then the windows-x-x.jar and other platforms?

any other ones?

so jogl-all.jar for instance looks like

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Implementation-Title: Java Bindings for OpenGL Runtime Environment
Implementation-Version: 2.3.2
Application-Name: Java Bindings for OpenGL
Specification-Vendor: JogAmp Community
Created-By: 1.8.0_60-b27 (Oracle Corporation)
Implementation-URL: http://jogamp.org/
Implementation-Vendor: JogAmp Community
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.4
Implementation-Commit: e794fc40ba723f2fca4ac892e873975fb393e007
Trusted-Library: true
Implementation-Vendor-Id: com.jogamp
Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase: *
Permissions: all-permissions
Specification-Title: Java Bindings for OpenGL API Specification
Implementation-Branch: origin/master
Specification-Version: 2.3
Implementation-Build: 2.3-b1469-20151010
Extension-Name: com.jogamp.opengl
Codebase: *.jogamp.org

what would I have to change these too? and why do I have to change these when the online web versions that we linked to on the jogl site used to just work before the security update without modifying their manifest files?
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Re: code signing cert expired?

In reply to this post by gouessej
oh I should also mention I've emptied my java cache several hundred times over the last month+ trying to fix this issue.
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Re: code signing cert expired?

In reply to this post by sirus20x6
At least, set "Codebase" to "*" or to a meaningful value depending on where you store the JARs, do so in all JOGL and GlueGen JARs you use including those containing the native libraries. I understand that it's very painful. Sven seems to be extremely busy, I'll ask him when he can renew the trusted certificates again.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website