glDeleteFramebuffers hangs in dispose!

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glDeleteFramebuffers hangs in dispose!

Hey guys.
I hope you can help me fixing this issue. I have a programm that uses framebuffer objects, all is working very well, except i'm trying to dispose and clean my programm. the programm termination is blocked by the call to glDeleteFramebuffers and i don't understand why. i tried my own fbo code and the FBObject from the JOGL library. Both ways are producing this hang on dispose "bug". is this a known issue? or does anyone knows which situation causes this problem?

i'm using jogl version "jogl-2.0-b23-20110303" and Nvidia Driver 258.96

i hope you guys can help me
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Re: glDeleteFramebuffers hangs in dispose!

Wade Walker
Have you upgraded to the latest nvidia drivers for your graphics card? You should probably try that first, before trying to debug the issue. For relatively recent cards, the driver version is 275.33, but you'd have to check for your card to know for sure.
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Re: glDeleteFramebuffers hangs in dispose!

In reply to this post by Triipaxx

Make a list from that what you have initiallized.

first, release your scene from drawing
e.g. glMyDrawable.removeGLEventListener(MySceneRenderer);
then release your scene resources

e.g lists with : gl.glDeleteLists(glName,0);
e.g. buffers with : gl.glDeleteBuffers(vboIds.length, vboIds, 0);
e.g textures with : gl.glDeleteTextures( myTextures.length, myTextures, 0 );

then in an separate thread if you want,

- stop the animator and
- release all your Listener

If you has worked in fullscreen mode, set back the screen
to the old mode.

That must work

or you driver has a problem:-)