jogamp discusson forums - all about GlueGen, JOAL, JOCL, JOGL and more
Subcategories Topics Posts Last Post
official announcements around JogAmp 5 13
by gouessej
307 1619
by imakerobots
Everything related to JOGL, the Java Bindings to OpenGL - 2369 16766
by gouessej
Everything related to JOCL, the Java Bindings to OpenCL - 183 932
by Sven Gothel
Everything related to JOAL, the Java Bindings to OpenAL - 36 271
by Sven Gothel
Everything related to GlueGen, the Java binding code generator. 53 326
by nehakakar
JogAmp's Java3D Continuation 270 2638
by gouessej
general-purpose, professionally oriented, open source, scenegraph based 3D Java engine for desktop and embedded environments 45 599
by gouessej
Open debate on JogAmp's project management to maintain, continue development and fund the project. 11 41
by gouessej
Anything non political correct political stuff, chatter, project related or unrelated - this is your place. 2 3
by Sven Gothel
gamp - Graphics Audio Multimedia Processing via C++

Goal is to condense some of JogAmp's experience to C++ support classes allowing
a similar workflow in the native space.

gamp /gămp/
- A large baggy umbrella.
- A large umbrella; -- said to allude to Mrs. Gamp's umbrella, in Dickens's “Martin Chuzzlewit.”

often : one that is untidily or loosely tied up if you carry an umbrella use it tightly rolled and never as a gamp
— S. D. Barney
1 3
by Sven Gothel
Microsoft Dynamics AX is a robust ERP solution that empowers global enterprises to streamline, automate, and optimize their operations. This user-friendly platform yields a rapid return on investment (ROI) following its implementation. Tailored for midsize and larger corporations, Microsoft D... 0 0
by msdynax