Any way to wrap an existing Window handle under Windows, e.g. Window.wrapHandle?

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Any way to wrap an existing Window handle under Windows, e.g. Window.wrapHandle?


Hello =)

I want to embed JOGL into an already existing window under Windows.
When I researched I found: static Window com.sun.javafx.newt.Window.wrapHandle(...)
but when trying to use the function, the package wasn't there anymore :/ Searching through the current jogl javadoc with its various window/surface/etc I did not find a substitute.

So I get a native window handle and need to create a GLWindow. What would be the best way to do this?

Would I attach the window as a child window? Would I have to handle resizing / placement?

thanks in advance =), com.sun.javafx.newt.Screen,, long, boolean, boolean, int, int, int, int)

PS.: I just found "NewtFactory" with the "wrapHandle" static method, but then found out it was again the 2.0x docs. In the new
version, it's gone too.
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Re: Any way to wrap an existing Window handle under Windows, e.g. Window.wrapHandle?


At first, JOGL 1 is no more maintained, please switch to JOGL 2.

In JOGL 2, NewtFactory is in com.jogamp.newt.

Edit.: I see what you mean, wrapHandle isn't in this class anymore.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website